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Our Background and Mission

Hypatia Society

Our Background

The idea for the Hypatia Society was concieved when the founder, Julie Creech, was researching giftedness in adults and multiple aptitudes.
The original idea was based upon a lack of representation of women among known 'Universal Geniuses' (like DaVinci, Franklin etc..).  In Fact the only woman acknowledged as a uviversal genius was Hypatia, a somewhat obscure and mysterious woman of ancient times.
Realizing that this clearly represented a lack of acknowledgement of both the importance of so called 'women's work' and the tendency of history to overlook contributions by women in the past, Ms. Creech decided to develop a forum for research and discussion of female 'Universal Genius' , both today and throughout history.
The original idea rapidly evolved with additional research and consideration to encompass all races and genders of historic, present and future 'Universal Geniuses' and potential UG's.
As of this point the Hypatia Society is still in the conception stage.  We plan to eventually incorporate as a tax exempt nonprofit as soon as our organizational planning and structures are in place.
In the meantime we invite you to learn more about our enterprise, and yourself, throughout the various pages of information and many articles in our library of resources.

Guiding Values
* The Hypatia Society believes that girfted and multi-talented people, regardless of racial, ethnic, social or economic condition, have the ability to become the universal geniuses of our time and should be encouraged and supported in their quest to reach their full potential.
*  We value the rull range of human experience and seek to involve diverse populations in our staff, board, volunteers and members.
*We ask that each member of our staff and organization, as a condition of membership, donate a minimum of two hours per month to mentoring youth, other members of this society, or some other kind of community service.
*  We will always strive to maintain our integrity, and principles, as an organization and also as individuals. 

Our Mission

It is the mission of the Hypatia Society to encourage and assist individuals with the potential to become the universal geniuses of our time.
In order to achieve this mission we will build a library of developmental resources and historical information, provide educational support and advocacy, and develop programs and services to aid present and future members in reaching their full potential.

Julie E. Creech
founder and president, Hypatia Society
In addition to her role as founder and President of Hypatia Society, Julie is a freelance fashion photographer, make-up artist, muralist, painter and poet.
Past enterprises include founding JAGG, a nonprofit motivational organization where she served as President and Primary Motivational Expert, creating an after school art program at St. Louis Construction Careers High school, and assisting in the start-up of Jonas Photography.
To learn more about Julie and to view her artwork, poetry and prose, visit her website: http://photofoxygirl.tripod.com

The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of childhood into maturity
--Thomas Henry Huxley