Kill me
As I live
Help me
Purify my body
With the warm life
Of my blood
Help me
Find direction
I am so lost
Ive fallen once more.
Love You
I loved you
Then you killed me.
Stole my purity away
with one dark night.
Me so small
I cried all my tears away.
I hate you.
You killed me,
But left my body alive.
I love you.
I have to.
You made me
My Name Is Victim
I run away from life
Trying to find an answer... I am lost.
My soul was broken before I had the power to save myself.
My purity was stolen,
I was taught only pain.
The courts didnt even care.
What was I?
Just one of hundreds, a child without a name.
Dime a dozen...
So I grew up scared to death.
Then it always had to happen.
Like as a child all I was good for was a fuck
or a feel, or a blow job.
Just good enough for the gratification of an erection.
No wonder Im so fucked up now.
Even after the hospital
Just too broken to fix.
No glue strong enough for me!
Even now it happens so much.
So many animals.
Can you wonder that I dont trust anyone?
I cant even trust myself,
I lose so much time...
And when I dont want... They touch me.
Tell me what I dont want to hear.
Is life all about a fuck?
Loneliness embraces me like a once forgotten lover.
He caresses my breast with familiar comfort.
He holds me close.
And I run...
I run to the past.
The days when this or that lover
Held me in much the same way.
When they spoke my name like a blessing,
Or stared into my eyes in surprise.
I run to the beauty waiting within each of them.
Waiting for my patient exploration and discovery.
I run,
To the sweet smiles that we shared.
To the comfort we knew.
The passion...
Ah, the passion like a summer storm in the valley.
The passion that would grip us and
Hold us...
Until we could not think of life.
I have loneliness
With his Dark smile and his cold embrace.
He so tenderly touches me.
Almost as though to ease my sorrow.
He touches me
In places I never knew I had.
He makes me smile
In my sleep.
He moves me
To tears of happiness.
He makes me feel